Yahshigul’s homestay in Asraf village

Location: 33 km along the main road from Bog’don to Nurata, 3,4km into the mountains.

Owner: Bobojon Kozokov, Yahshigul Kozokov Asraf

Price: EUR 30 per person

Asraf village is located in one of the lush green mountain valleys of the Nuratau range. A crystal clear mountain brook passes through the property right in front of the house. The family has recently built a separate house and an ablution block consisting of two showers and two flush toilets. The house is built from local rocks and has four clean guest rooms furnished with tapchan mattresses. Yahshigul’s homestay can accommodate up to sixteen people. Water is heated by solar energy. A spring provides the family and guests with pure, cold drinking water. In the shade of the big fruit trees in the garden, guests can choose either to relax on one of the three supas (seating areas built out of clay) or on a tapchan. One of these unique comfortable sitting, lying, and eating facilities are placed across the rivulet. Reading a book, while listening to the gentle bubbling sound of the water, is a great way to rewind and recall all the impressions of your journey.

Bobojon’s family lives on subsistence farming. Hence, many types of fruit trees such as peach, apricot, apple, mulberry, pomegranate, and walnuts, and a lot of vegetables are grown in the huge garden. Guests will be spoiled by tasty dishes prepared from homegrown products. Traditional music performances can easily be arranged for guests in the evening.

You may book your stay in the homestay through the office or by contacting the hosts directly (phone number: +998 97 325 01 20). The son of the homestay owner speaks elementary English.